Awakening the Imaginal - a talk at the IBMS and Expressive Therapy research symposium

In March, I was asked to participate on a panel for Lesley University's Institute for Body, Mind, and Spirituality (IBMS) and Expressive Therapy PhD Program Research Symposium. The symposium was called "Body, Mind and Spirit: Innovations in Research, Practice and Pedagogy" and opened with a talk by Dr. Jared Kass entitled - Spiritual Maturation: A Developmental Resources for Resilience, Well being, and Peace.

I have an earlier post on this blog with some of the exciting ET workshops that were offered.

Now you can also read my talk on-line. It has been published in the Journal for Pedagogy, Pluralism and Practice - Issue 12. My talk was a brief response to Dr. Kass' talk - entitled Awakening the Imaginal.

The whole issue - is devoted to the work of the Institute of Body, Mind and Spirituality and has several articles by Lesley University's Expressive Therapy faculty - so check it out!

The Journal for Pedagogy, Pluralism and Practice is an on-line refereed journal published by Lesley University, and has a mission of presenting a "balance across diverse forms of scholarship, practitioner-research, philosophical essays, empirical research, literature, and the visual arts. The goal is to provide interdisciplinary interpretation and analysis of educational theory and practice, including learning in classrooms, organizations, and non-traditional settings."

You may also want to check out Issue 9: Fall 2004 devoted to Arts-based Research and Inquiry.

As someone on the email list I got about the issue said - it looks like good summer reading!


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