Lesley's Expressive Therapy professor emeritus Norma Canner is awarded by DMH

On May 22, 2007, the Department of Mental Health sponsored a Commissioner's Reception at the Mass State House Hall of Flags to honor the contributions of those who have made a significant impact on the lives of people with mental illness.

Norma Canner, professor emeritus and founder of the Dance/Movement Therapy program at Lesley University, was among those honored. Norma Canner received the Special Recognition Award for her contributions to the field of mental health. According to Commissioner Elizabeth Childs, M.D. Norma left her mark on the Department of Mental Health and "brought movement, joy, and healing" to the children she served. Her influence remains.

Of the 17 people presented with awards, Norma was the only one to receive a standing ovation. According to Donna Newman-Bluestein, a dance therapist and adjunct faculty member who attended the awards ceremony, “it was, of course, not only what Norma said, but how she said it, that brought people to their feet. She brought her genuine presence, as she slowly made eye contact around the room, and acknowledged that she got not only a clinical education, but that she learned about soul from the children with whom she worked.” As one psychiatrist stated, "Norma Canner is a legend".

In addition to the award for Norma Canner, the Arts and Healing Program at Tewksbury State Hospital was awarded the Rehabilitation, Distinguished Service
award. Art therapist and Expressive Therapy adjunct faculty member, Jenny Navarro, is a core member of the Tewksbury hospital’s Arts and Healing Program staff. In addition to Jenny’s work, several Expressive Therapy interns also work in the program.

The citation for this award stated, "The Arts and Healing Program was selected for its creative and collaborative approach to rehabilitation and recovery. Focusing on the arts as a path to recovery not only reinforces the strengths of an individual but also empowers our most vulnerable citizens to find their voice, discover their talents and create their hopes and dreams." We are proud of their accomplishments.


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