Creative Arts Therapy Week - March 18-25, 2007

One way to get more jobs and recognition for the amazing work that we do is to spread the word about the work...
Don't wait for someone else to do it - Let it BE YOU!

From the website of the National Coalition of Creative Arts Therapies:

This is the 28th anniversary of the National Coalition of Creative Arts Therapies. In honor of the coalition building many creative arts therapy leaders have done over the years, we would like to invite you to celebrate within your community the extraordinary work of the creative arts therapists all over the world.

- Host an open house with other CAT colleagues to display and demonstrate your modality or provide a workshop or seminar open to the public.
- Offer to run a career day with colleagues at a local high school or college.
- Provide a staff development in-service to broaden the knowledge of other professionals in your own institution or agency.
- Visit other schools, nursing homes, day-care centers to provide a creative arts therapy experience.
- Arrange a display at your local library (and in your own institution or agency!)
- Put up posters and leave flyers wherever you go. (Flyers will be available from NCCATA).

Suggestions for Media Coverage:

- Send out press release to your local paper announcing Creative Arts Therapies Week activities in your community.
- Send a letter or e-mail to the Public Service Director of your local radio and TV stations for a PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT. (Be sure to include your contact information.)
- Arrange for you or a colleague to be INTERVIEWED by a local paper or station, highlighting your work.

Be sure to send a notice of your scheduled activity to Donna Betts, NCCATA Virtual Assistant, at, to be posted here on the NCCATA WEB site after March 25th, 2007.


Anonymous said…
Interesting to know.

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