Lesley University's Expressive Therapy continuing education - Summer 2011

Summer 2011 Offerings
Office of Continuing Professional Studies

The Office of Continuing Professional Studies in the Graduate School of Arts and Social Sciences is designed to meet the needs of working professionals who are looking to deepen professional skills and training as well as explore new areas for personal and professional development. Lesley University is recognized by the National Board for Certified Counselors to offer continuing education for National Certified Counselors (Provider #4472). These credits are accepted by the Massachusetts Board of Registration for Licensed Mental Health Counselors (LMHC’s).

To register, please contact Beth at 617.349.8833 or echambe5@lesley.edu, or visit www.lesley.edu/ce/ls for more information.


Arts and Healing Military Trauma
**3 LMHC CEUS available
Naj WIkoff
DATE: Saturday, June 4 from 9:30-12:30am
LOCATION: Lesley University
COST: $45 (Lesley alumni/faculty: $40)
DESCRIPTION: PTSD, Military Sexual Trauma, rage, disfigurement, impotency, divorce and suicide are but a few of the potential outcomes of military service that challenge a person’s return to civilian life or continuing a life of service in the military. This presentation will discuss how the arts are increasingly being used to help address these outcomes in military hospitals and community settings.

Belonging and Fear of Belonging in Group Work: An Attachment Theory Perspective
**12 LMHC CEUs available
Pnina Rappaport, Ph.D., & Dan Raviv, Ph.D.
DATE: Saturday & Sunday, June 11-12 from 9:30am-4:30pm
LOCATION: Lesley University
COST: $195 (Lesley students/alumni/adjunct faculty: $165)
DESCRIPTION: This workshop will focus on the eternal human conflict of longing to belong versus the fear of belonging in life and it's expression in group work. Elements and causes of the conflict will be explored both through didactic and expressive experiential approaches, utilizing attachment theory principles. An attempt will be made to increase participants' clinical tools, and consequently, the ability to make more appropriate interventions in their groups. Being able to better understand the various attachment categories, will assist participants to recognize and understand the basic conflicts that occur in their clients who are struggling to form satisfying and secure relationships with others.


The Arts in Health: Cultural Context and Meaning
Graduate Course GCREA 6028 (3 credits)
Phillip Speiser, Ph.D., RDT, LMHC
DATE: June 3-5 and 25-26, 2011 (Fri/Sat/Sun and Sat/Sun), from 9:00am-5:00pm
COST: non-credit: $520*; 3 graduate credits: $1560* (*plus $30 registration fee)
DESCRIPTION: This courses looks at how health and illness are defined in many cultures, considering the central role of community, family, spiritual values, rituals and the arts in healing across cultures. On the first day of this course, participants will attend the Arts in Healthcare Conference at Lesley University (see description below).


Arts in Healthcare Conference Series 2011: Violence Prevention in Schools and Communities
Co-sponsored by Lesley University and the Whittier Street Health Center
**15 LMHC CEUs available
DATE: June 2-4, 2011
LOCATION: Marran Theater, Doble Campus, Lesley University
COST: Please see our website www.lesley.edu/ce/ls/artsinhealthcare2011.html for costs, schedules and registration information.
DESCRIPTION: Lesley University and Whittier Street Health Center will host the second regional conference on Arts in Healthcare to increase awareness of the use of the arts in violence prevention in schools and communities. This conference will highlight best practices and research on creativity within arts and healthcare that effect positive outcomes and help to support mental, emotional and physical health. The conference will highlight programs, professionals and policy makers who work in government and at hospitals, community health centers, community programs, nursing homes, schools and other health settings. The presentations will underscore how the arts are also used to educate wider communities about the risk, prevention, and care for violence as a health epidemic. The Arts in Healthcare conference series is intended for a wide range of professionals interested in the arts and healthcare and the relationship between the two.

North American Playback Theatre Festival
**15 LMHC CEUs available
DATE: June 16-19, 2011
LOCATION: Doble Campus, Lesley University
COST: Please see our website www.lesley.edu/ce/ls/playbackfestival2011.html for costs, schedules and registration information.
DESCRIPTION: Come to the first-ever Festival of Playback Theatre in North America! Playback Theatre is a form of improvisational theatre that starts with listening deeply to people's stories and then transforming them spontaneously into theater. It is especially powerful in honoring the voices of people from marginalized communities and in helping to build understanding across differences. Join with members of many of the 70+ Playback Theatre companies from across the U.S., Canada, and Mexico gathering to perform, learn and celebrate. The Festival welcomes seasoned practitioners, those relatively new to the form, as well as anyone interested in the use of arts for social change and healing, whether familiar with Playback or not. Each evening will feature performances by two different Playback companies. Enjoy a unique opportunity to experience six outstanding companies and to taste of the exciting range of styles within Playback.

Sonnabend Lecture featuring Daniel J. Siegel, M.D.
DATE: Thursday, July 7, 2011 at 7:00 pm
LOCATION: Lesley University
COST: Free and open to the public; please RSVP to echambe5@lesley.edu
DESCRIPTION: Dr. Siegel is an award-winning educator and internationally recognized expert on mindfulness and therapy. His clinical activities include work as a child, adolescent, adult and family psychiatrist. He is currently an associate clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine and serves as the Director of interdisciplinary studies for the international nonprofit Children's Mental Health Alliance in New York. He is author of numerous books, including Mindsight, Parenting From the Inside Out, The Mindful Brain and most recently The Mindful Therapist.

Trauma & Neuroscience: Applications & Practice
Daniel J. Siegel, M.D.
**6 LMHC CEUs available
DATE: Friday, July 8, 2011 from 9:00am-4:00pm
LOCATION: Lesley University
COST: $125 (Lesley students/alumni/adjunct faculty: $95)
DESCRIPTION: The recognition that traumatic events affect much of the world’s population requires clinicians to seek innovative approaches in their work with individuals, groups, schools and communities. This conference will bring together a distinguished group of practitioners in the areas of psychology, mindfulness, the arts, and neuroscience in a conversation with Dr. Daniel Siegel. Workshops will focus on interdisciplinary approaches to trauma in the areas of therapy, human rights and education.

Liberating Creativity: Courage to Lead
featuring Shaun McNiff and Paolo Knill
**6 LMHC CEUs available
DATE: Friday, August 26, 2011
LOCATION: Washburn Hall, Brattle Campus, Lesley University
COST: $125 (Lesley students/alumni/adjunct faculty: $95)
DESCRIPTION: Come join the founders of the field of expressive therapy and reengage your creative potential. This conference is designed for professionals who want to more fully realize their personal creative potential and learn how to lead others in more imaginative ways. The program is based on the belief that direct personal experience with the creative process enables leaders to more effectively foster the creative expression of individuals, communities and society. We will create a supportive environment to explore how the creative process carries us to new realms of expression and understanding. The session will engage varied artistic media and establish a community of creative expression where participants can practice letting go of inhibitions, cultivating responsiveness to the creative force, and learning how to witness and support the expression of others. Learn how to trust the process and accept the threats and fears of expression as vital partners in remaking and revitalizing ourselves and our communities.

Lesley University’s Continuing Education Program and the Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies (LIMS®) are pleased to announce an exciting and rigorous program which awards the Certified Movement Analyst (CMA) credential upon completion. This certification program consists of 4 modules, each consisting of a 15-day, 120-hour intensive residency at Lesley University:

Module I: Immersion ~ June 13-27, 2011 for $2,000 (special introductory discount!)
--This module requirement can be waived by taking Lesley University’s Body/Movement Observation and Assessment I & II (or the equivalent, as reviewed by Lesley and LIMS®*), and passing the Module I Exam.
--In Module I, you will become acquainted with the fundamental categories of the Laban system, explore your movement possibilities according to your own body uniqueness and begin perceiving the power of Laban Movement Analysis (LMA) as applied to your field of interest. Classes include theory and movement experientials and are accessible to students from all disciplines.

Module II: Concentration ~ August 8-22, 2011 for $3,960
--In Module II, you will be immersed in LMA theory, Bartenieff fundamentals, movement observation and the history and application of LMA.

Module III: Depth ~ January 9-23, 2012 for $3,960
--In Module III, you will gain greater understanding of your own personal movement choices and further develop your skills in observing the functional and expressive movement of others. You will gain greater facility with the verbal and Motif vocabularies used in LMA in preparation for your final project proposal.

Module IV: Review and Project ~ June 11-25, 2012 for $3,960
--In Module IV, you will review the Laban work, and complete and present your final project.

For more information about this program, including prerequisite and application information, please visit our website at http://lesley.edu/ce/ls/laban.html or
contact Beth Chambers at 617.349.8833 or echambe5@lesley.edu <mailto:echambe5@lesley.edu> .

LIMS® is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Dance (NASD), designated by the U.S. Department of Education as a national accrediting body. *There is a review fee of $200 for this process; please see application for more information.


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