Brown Bag Lunch today!

Our second brown bag lunch is happening today. All are invited!!!
Today 12-12:45, University Hall 4-022 (formerly Porter 408)

ET Division Brown Bag lunch Series presents…

So what are your images? with Donna Newman-Blustein - Registered Dance Therapist and Adjunct Faculty

It is said that we can not make a single movement without first having an image. Paying close attention to our images provides us with clues about our individual journeys. Couple that with the intention of self-nurturing, and our images move us along the continuum to greater health and well-being. Bringing our images, our visions and our dreams into enactment through art moves us toward fullest expression of the self, allowing us to share our unique gifts with others. Come hear Donna speak about our sources of inspiration! Be introduced to the Octaband, a dance/expressive therapy tool she's discovered to help us bring our gifts to others. Donna Newman-Blustein is a registered Dance Therapist and adjunct faculty at Lesley University.


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