
Showing posts from June, 2011

Expressive Therapy, Trauma and Neuroscience

Trauma and Neuroscience Conference 2011 featuring Daniel J. Siegel, M.D . July 7-8, 2011 ~ Marran Theater, Lesley University, Cambridge, MA Thursday, July 7 at 7:00pm “The Interpersonal Neurobiology of Trauma Resolution” Sonnabend Lecture featuring Daniel J. Siegel, M.D . **Free and open to the public; please RSVP to Dr. Daniel Siegel is a graduate of the Harvard Medical School, Executive Director of the Mindsight Institute, and Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA School of Medicine, where he is Co-Director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center. He is an award-winning educator and internationally recognized expert on mindfulness and therapy. His clinical activities include work as a child, adolescent, adult and family psychiatrist. He is the author of the internationally acclaimed, bestselling The Mindful Brain: Reflection and Attunement in the Cultivation of Well-Being and the co-editor of The Healing Power of Emotion and Healing Trauma:...