What is Creative Arts Therapy?
We had a great time spreading the word about Expressive Therapies and Creative Arts Therapy week in Porter Square. The Expressive Therapy and Social Action class went out into the streets to ask people "what does community mean to you?" and to raise awareness of Expressive Therapy and Creative Arts Therapy. Thank you Russ Ouellett for providing the video For more information: INTERNATIONAL EXPRESSIVE ARTS THERAPY ASSOCIATION: http://www.ieata.org AMERICAN ART THERAPY ASSOCIATION: http://www.arttherapy.org AMERICAN DANCE THERAPY ASSOCIATION: http://www.adta.org NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR DRAMA THERAPY: http://www.nadt.org AMERICAN MUSIC THERAPY ASSOCIATION: http://www.musictherapy.org NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR POETRY THERAPY: http://poetrytherapy.org AMERICAN SOCIETY OF GROUP PSYCHOTHERAPY & PSYCHODRAMA: http://www.asgpp.org