Special Topics course and Expressive Therapy Elective courses Fall 08
We are really excited to have Steve and Ellen Levine, the co-authors and editors of many texts you will read in the program, teaching a 1-credit special topics course this fall! The course - GEXTH 5888 Special Topics: Poiesis and Human Existence - will be held the weekend of September 19-21. The class will meet Friday 7-10 pm, and Sat/Sun 10 am -5:30pm. This course is a required course for first year ET specialization students but we are opening up a few slots to other students and alum as well. If you would like to take this course please contact me directly - estrella@lesley.edu . You will need to register for this class before Sept 16, so let me know ASAP. Also, we still have openings in several of our ET electives, although you must enroll in these ASAP as classes have begun and you don't want to miss any classes. Again, the drop/add period ends Sept 16. Here is a list of the open electives - please let others know! And enjoy the beginning of the year, Karen GEXTH 6019 Story...