Seasons: An Exploration of Life Cycles
Sunday evening the students of the PhD program in Expressive Therapies will also sponsor "Seasons: An Exploration of Life Cycles" - a performance and gallery show of the creative works of first-year Expressive Therapies doctoral students. The gallery show and performance will follow the PhD student research conference on Sunday, April 30th. The gallery opening will be at Marran Gallery at 5pm, and the performance will be at 6pm at the Marran Theater. Igniting the Synapses Seasons: An Exploration of Life Cycles Gallery Opening As the scientist uses a microscope to study the cells of a leaf, or a astronaut uses a ship to view the whole of planet earth, so did these art-based researchers use color, light, mood, tone, self-reflection and time to explore their subjects. Displayed in Marran are the creative documentation of the Art Apprenticeship’s doctoral student’s two semester research projects. These artist-scientists invite you to view their offerings, to think about the ...